On 20/07/12 22:41, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 20-7-2012 20:21, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
[...] And to explain that a bit: it's not merely "ugly." If all you want is the printed book, you don't care about the ugliness and simply code this way to get the desired output. However, we are in the 21st century. We should be beyond the point where a critical edition is the printed text, we should think of the typeset result as just one way of representing the logical structure of the edition. With a syntax as the one Wolfgang shows above, it is difficult for most parsers to understand what is meant. Which means most ways of representing such a structure will fail because it's not a consistent logical construct. And yes, as Pablo pointed out, TEI itself hasn't reached a clear conclusion on such points, and they are specialists who have been working on these problems for quite a while...
In xml one could do
<note tag="bla" range="yes">some text</note> ..... <note tag="bla"/>
i.e. use an empty element to indicate a matching end.
Hans, thanks for your reply. TEI would propose something like this for a just invented example (not 100% sure TEI encoding right, but I think it is [a cheat sheet on critical apparatuses can be found at http://marjorie.burghart.online.fr/?q=en/content/tei-critical-apparatus-chea...]): <p>Entia non sunt multiplicanda <app> <lem>praeter necessitatem</lem> <rdg wit="#H">sine necessitate</lem> </app> </p> Which can be typeset with ConTeXt: \mainlanguage[la] \definelinenote[linenote] \starttext \startlinenumbering Entia non sunt multiplicanda \startlinenote[one]{praeter necessitatem] sine necessitate H} praeter necessitatem \stoplinenote[one]. \stoplinenumbering \stoptext If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid there might be a bug here, since there is no space between «multiplicanda» and «praeter» in the body. I don't know how ConTeXt parses XML directly, but I think unless a counter (or an unique ID) is entered, problems might arise to distinguish between different critical annotations. (Sorry if that was obvious.) BTW, how about the option to only display the number from line on the first linenote if many linenotes coming from the same line? I only want to know whether this feature could be considered for inclusion in ConTeXt in the future. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk