so, lo and behold, a beginner \TeX{}er's "solution": -----------------------%<------------------------- \defineparagraphs [poem][n=2] \setupparagraphs [poem][1][width=.35\textwidth] \setupparagraphs [poem][2][rule=on] \def\StartPoem#1{% \startpoem \ifx#1\undefined\else\section{#1}\fi \poem\startlines} \def\StopPoem{% \stoplines\stoppoem\page} \def\PoemPage{% \StopPoem \StartPoem{}} \starttext \StartPoem{poem1} line 1 line 2 \StopPoem \StartPoem{poem2} line 1 line 2 \PoemPage line 3 line 4 \StopPoem \stoptext -----------------------%<------------------------- as the poems are quite static, and in this case it is actually better if i can "cut" the page at a convinient point, i think this is an easier "hack" (at the moment for me definitely) :)))))) and it also takes care of the \startlines \stoplines i asked about earlier. not that Taco's solution did not work, but this is much more primitive, and so better at the moment. i have another question. how can i modify how the "rule" will look like? the closest thing i have found in the manual was \setupmarginrules but \setupmarginrules[thickness=5] did nothing. thanks to everyone for pointing out where the manual sources are. -f -- a fool searches for a greater fool to find admiration.