On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 20:37:46 +0200, nico
I wonder if it is possible to setup a layout with these requirements:
- it can be doublesided, that is, when doublesided the left margin (LM) and right margin (RM) are different and mirrored on right/left pages.
- the headings (section, etc.) start just after the left margin.
- the text body has an extra left text margin (TM) that is not mirrored.
Here is an example of the expected output in doublesided mode:
Left Page: LM TM RM |<--7--><-- 8--> <-5->| | 1. This is a Title | | | | This is the text body | | that has a bigger left | | margin. |
Right Page:
RM TM LM |<-5-><-- 8--> <--7-->| | The test continues on | | This page. | | | | 2. Another Title | | |
Well, I start from the beginning with odd/even layout setting, and the following does not work. The behaviour I see is that only the odd setting is used. What is wrong in there? \definelayout[odd] [width=middle, backspace=7cm, cutspace=5cm] \definelayout[even] [backspace=8cm, cutspace=2cm, width=middle] \setuplayout %\showlayout \starttext \dorecurse{4}{ \section{Hello} \input knuth \endgraf \subsection{Sub Hello} \input tufte \endgraf} \stoptext Regards, BG