Hans Hagen wrote:
(BTW I've already produced all expanded version with fontinst)
wait for the new pdftex (or grab a test versions soemwhere): it has auto expansion included, and there i sno need any more to create the instances yourself (doen within pdftex)!
Yes, I know. Of course this is an improvement. But I've already set it up -- so why not use it? Nevertheless it seems to me that there're several problems still. I'm using now: This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-rc7.2-2.2 ConTeXt ver: 2004.8.15 fmt: 2004.9.12 int: english mes: english Sometimes the hyphen is not protruded at all. BTW where do I define in ConTeXt my font specific microtypographic values? In LaTeX I wrote \input{protcode-helvetica} \input{efcode-helvetica} \pdfprotrudechars=2 \pdfadjustspacing=2 \def\setupfont{\setprotcode\font} \def\setupEFfont{ \setprotcode\font \resetefcode\font \pdffontexpand\font 20 20 5} ...
If ConTeXt is using the new german spelling & hyphenation rules then: *§108* If ss stands for ß, then it will be hyphenated s-s. E.g., Grüs-se (instead of Grü-ße), heis-sen (instead of hei-ßen). *§109* The connection of consonants ch, ck, and sch, and also in foreign words with ph, rh, sh, and th will not be hyphenated in between if they stands for a single sound. E.g., Bü-cher, Zu-cker, ba-cken, Fla-sche, Ma-che-te, Pro-phet, Myr-rhe, Ca-shew-nuss, ka-tho-lisch.
so .. what are the proposed changes to the german language specifics in enco-fde.tex?
Mmh, I'm that familiar with ConTeXt ;-) Hopefully the patterns will do most. But of course \installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {k-}{k}{ck}} should be changed to \installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {-}{ck}{ck}} ((ck should always stay as it is; maybe one even don't need this def anymore)) Ulrich