On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Taco Hoekwater
On 03/13/2011 08:42 AM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
On Sunday 13 March 2011 07:25:03 luigi scarso wrote:
On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 6:03 AM, Pontus Lurcock
wrote: On Sat 12 Mar 2011, mathew wrote:
My experience on Ubuntu is that if you install the ConTeXt minimals in your path, they break a bunch of stuff from TeXLive, such as pdfcrop.
I have the minimals installed but with no automatic setup in .bashrc or similar. So when I need to run ConTeXt, I fire up a new terminal and explicitly ‘source /path/to/minimals/context/tex/setuptex’ before doing anything else. Anything I run in a different terminal just gets the standard paths for the system's TeXLive installation.
this is the right way to work with minimals (in linux is easy than windows).
Except if one works principly with ConTeXt, in which case it is much nicer to have /path/to/minimials by default in PATH.
I do the opposite: if ever I need to use latex (lualatex!),
If I need lualatex, I just push the TeXLive bin directory to the front of my path. (exact opposite of Pontus' approach). ah ok, now I see. My PATH env var. has not a TeXLive or minimals path by default. Every time I need a TeXLive or minimals, I open a shell and setup the its path and I never mix the paths --- just open another shell in another working spaces (In linux I use 16 working spaces) or another tab in gnome-terminal. In this way I can work with different TeXLive and different minimals For example I have under /opt/luatex/texlive 2008 2008-texmf-local 2009 2009-texmf-local 2010 2010-texmf-local
and ~10 different minimals under opt/luatex Of course this can be a problem with editors that expect just one path, but I use emacs, so... -- luigi