Hi, I've searched the mailing list archives on the bib module. There are no really recent entries, so I'm wondering what the current status is. More specifically: I am trying to get the bibliography module to work like I want it to work. Does anyone have a bibl-???.tex lying around that formats for a common physics journal (say Physical Review or similar? I'll give an example of what I want below.) I need mostly articles and some books, not much else (incomplete support is not a problem), I'm not picky, if you have something that uses numerical references and cite order in the final list, I'm a happy camper... Sorted by citation order, a journal entry should look like this: Initials Name, Initials Name and Initials Name, \quote{Title}, Journal {\bf Volume}, pagestart (year). If there are more than 3 authors, use {\em et al.}. For a book: Author(s), \crlf {\em Title,} (editors) \crlf edition, Publisher, City, year Thanks for the help, Maarten
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