Am 24.05.2015 um 21:20 schrieb Alexander Shukaev
: Thanks, Wolfgang, that indeed does the trick.
A related question. I've noticed that global `whitespace' setup is not recognized by `makeup' environment, i.e.
\definemakeup [abstractpage]
% `whitespace' is definitely not `line'.
The trivial and ugly solution is to
\definemakeup [abstractpage]
% `whitespace' is definitely `line'.
However, I would prefer
\setupmakeup[ commands={% \setupwhitespace[line]% }, ]
but it has no effect too. I would like to know why and if there is a alternative?
By the way, the similar setting
\setupmakeup[ commands={% \setupinterlinespace[line={4.2ex}]% }, ]
does have an effect. Once again, why? What's the difference in this case?
The makeup environment resets the global indentation and whitespace settings. To apply your own setups for the makeup environment you can put them in a setups environment and enable them. The commands key can’t be used for this because its content is flushed before context resets the value and your whitespace setting is never used. \definemakeup[abstractpage] \startsetups[makeup:abstractpage] \setupwhitespace[line] \stopsetups \setupmakeup[abstractpage][setups=makeup:abstractpage] \setupwhitespace[line] \starttext \input knuth \startmakeup[abstractpage] \input knuth \stopmakeup \stoptext Wolfgang