Dear luigi, you wrote: I've to play a bit with width , height and the 3D controls of the adobe reader to have a nice view, You could just use movie15 parameters (from Laurana.tex in the archive you mention) 3Daac=60, 3Droll=0, 3Dc2c=0 745.639 0, 3Droo=745.639, 3Dcoo=22.607 -1618.68 -149.864, and rewrite them as aac=60, roll=0, c2c={0, 745.639, 0}, roo=745.639, coo={22.607, -1618.68, -149.864}, The ConTeXt 3D PDF module interface was influenced by movie15 for obvious reasons (among them - unwillingness to write docs). It should also be possible to select the model or its part in Adobe GUI (in the model tree, for example), select "Zoom to part", ask Adobe viewer for camera properties and use them for view parameters. But I have to fix and improve my module to enable that functionality. Michail