2007/11/15, Jeff Smith
On Nov 14, 2007 8:15 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid
wrote: If possible, post a minimal example that illustrates the problem; use \input's like ward.tex, knuth.tex, zapf.tex etc. (in the distro) so some of us can run the test file and report back. Sometimes someone will know the answer without such an example but for even faster service ;-) always try to include a minimal example when possible.
Indeed. I'm truly sorry. I attach a sample document with the relevant stuff. I made the TOC start a little lower on the page just to provoke the page switching, instead of adding an unwieldy amount of dummy chapters to acheive the same result.
Thanks, and sorry again! Jeff
Hi Jeff, you can use dummy chapters next time without problems. I changed a few of your settings because this should be a nice example I could use myself in the future (it's to easy to forgot many of the necessary settings). \usemodule[visual] % example with faked text \setuplayout [width=middle, footer=2cm, topspace=2cm, header=1.3em, height=middle, backspace=3cm, headerdistance=0.3cm, footerdistance=0cm] \startsetups header:bodymatter \setupbackgrounds[header][text][frame=off,bottomframe=on] % Hans mentioned this method long ago on the list \setupheader [text] [lefttext={\it\getmarking[chapternumber].\space\getmarking[chapter]}, righttext=\pagenumber] \stopsetups \startsetups header:frontmatter \setupheader [text] [righttext=\pagenumber] \stopsetups \setupsectionblock [frontpart] [page=yes, % else problem with last page of the table of contents before=\setups{header:frontmatter}] \setupsectionblock [bodypart] [page=no, before=\setups{header:bodymatter}] \setupsectionblock[appendix] [page=no] \setupsectionblock[backpart] [page=no] \setuppagenumbering [state=start, location=, % already set with \setupheadertexts way=bytext, partnumber=no, conversion=numbers] % default \definetext[chapter][footer][pagenumber] \setuphead[chapter][header=high,footer=chapter] \setuphead [part] [%header=high, % already done for the chapter header %footer=high, % overloads the chapter setting, footer=pagenumber placehead=no, resetnumber=no] \setupheadtext[fr][content=Table des mati\egrave res] \mainlanguage[fr] \starttext \startfrontmatter \completecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \dorecurse{3} {\part{\fakewords{5}{10}} \dorecurse{3} {\chapter{\fakewords{5}{10}} \dorecurse{2} {\section{\fakewords{5}{10}} \fakewords{150}{200} \dorecurse{2} {\subsection{\fakewords{5}{10}} \fakewords{150}{200}}}}} \stopbodymatter \stoptext Wolfgang