Am 13.12.2008 um 19:19 schrieb Yue Wang:
the problem is grid independent.
It's obvious: V\high{0} \neq $V^0$. you can make two boxes, and it is clear that their heights are different. I can send you pictures to demonstrate their difference privately.
I see the pictures and they demonstrate how weird the problem is: In the case of "V\high{0}" the "0" is higher than in "$V^0$", and yet the interline space gets NOT disturbed!!! Or put it the other way round: You use $V^0$, which doesn't move the "0" as high as "\high{0}" would do, and nevertheless the distance to the line above gets increased!!! 1) This doesn't make sense, does it? 2) Why gets the line space increased even though the "0" is not that high?! 3) How can the behaviour of "$V^0$" be adjusted in such way as "\high {0}" does (i.e. set the "0" but dont move away from the line above) Thanks, Steffen