Guy Worthington
You've a good success rate -- first time you haven't read my mind.
perhaps I anticipated that the problem would give me a headache. Your wish is beyond my ConTeXt knowlege. Ask me again in a year :) One problem is that with \setuphead[chapter][page=yes] the chapter can start on an even page. On that page the setup from \definetext[chapter]... is taken. Then, with my previously suggested hack, ConTeXt goes to the next page. There you have to setup your header/footer manually, but reset it again on next page. With [page=right] ConTeXt has no way(?) of knowing that it should leave the even page blank. I suggest that "we" add a new keyword to setuphead (no idea what to name it, perhaps skippages=blank) and Hans does some miracle-coding in \dohandelpaginaafB (or wherever). And/or: we could use a keyword in setupheader,setupfooter,...: state=once. This way we could setup a headertext and don't have to worry about it on next page. Patrick But there is probably a) a switch already in ConTeXt, that I haven't seen or b) Hans has just needed such code, so it is already in the pre-beta ...