Gonçalo, "Extended ASCII" is relatively uninformative without some information on which encoding you're actually using (ASCII is normative from 0-127). I'll guess you mean '§' (Section mark), which, judging from regi-win and regi-il1, is my guess for the character you mean. (On the mac, it's 'ß' or the eszett, which is less likely judging from your email address.) ConTeXt makes this easy: just use the macro \sectionmark . If the original document uses an "extended ascii" encoding for characters like this, you might find it easier to use this at the beginning of your document: \enableregime[il1] % ...or... \enableregime[windows] % as appropriate. Patrick is very right, and alludes to a (potentially) confusing topic, with font encodings and input regimes. They're actually a very nice, powerful aspect of ConTeXt, where you enter text using your most familiar method, and don't have to worry where each glyph is located on a day-to- day basis. Hope that's some help... adam Gonçalo Morais said this at Sat, 3 Jan 2004 11:59:21 +0000:
Thanks for your help...
I am aware of \char167 isntruction but in the next example nothing seems to happen!!
Pawel Jackowski na Onet writes:
Hi all!
I would like to know how I may use extended ascii characters in context, for example character number 167.
I'm sure Hans has made a lot of extensions for ,,strange'' character support. But also plain TeX offers \char167 instruction, which returns character 167 according to given font encoding. Is that what You looking for?
Regards, Pawe/l
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