Pablo Rodriguez mailto:oinos@gmx.es 9. Juli 2015 18:32 Dear list,
this is a bit weird, because the vast majority of the list members are way forward in the path of ConTeXt knowledge than myself.
But just in case you were interested, I created an environment to typeset XHTML generated by pandoc with ConTeXt MkIV.
Here you have the websites:
http://www.from-pandoc-to-context.tk https://github.com/ousia/from-pandoc-to-context
Just a few comments on your code. 1. When you use \vfill at the begin of a makeup environment you don’t need \mbox and a ConTeXt user would use \dontleavehmode instead of \mbox. 2. To create a language dependant header for the TOC etc. you can use the \headtext command, e.g. \title{\headtext{content}} \placelist[part,chapter] 3. Be careful when you use _ in command names, e.g. \TOC_Title because it your case you created the command \TOC followed by the string “_Title”. 4. Better use \crlf to force a line break for the <br/> tag because \\ can produce different results depending in the environment. 5. Use \define[2]\... or \unexpanded\def\... to create your \href command. 6. ConTeXt already has a \url command. 7. Your \url command has two font changes (\tt and \hw) and one should be removed. Wolfgang