On Thursday 23 September 2010 18:46:00 you wrote:
Sorry... \placeinitial gobbles \input.... but here is a standalone example:
\setupinitial [ state=start, n=3, distance=-.1pc, ]
\placeinitial This is what Knuth said: \input knuth
I didn't know about initial... %D \macros %D {setupinitial,placeinitial,checkinitial} %D %D {\em To be documented.} Indeed! Nice, I would like to use something like this, even setting it up to be automatic at the beginning of chapters, for example. But it does not quite work as lettrines. In a silly language such as French, the following fails: \placeinitial L'objet de cette commande\dots as one needs: \lettrine{L'}{objet} de cette commande\dots Other heuristics might apply in different cases. Alan