Please, can someone provide some assistance in resolving this problem, if
possible. I need to prepare a worksheet for Friday and I'm having this
problem, ie, each worksheet show the hints and the answers of all
thanks in advance
2014/1/14 DesdeChaves
Is there a way to empty the blocks after each recurse cycle. If i make three exams with the command \dorecurse[3], in the first exam i found the hints and the answers of all exams.
I try with the commands \resetnumber[hint, answer], but don't work.
%%%% begin question-hint-answer-blocks.tex \defineblock[question] \defineblock[hint] \defineblock[answer]
\defineenumeration[question] [alternative=hanging, width=2.5cm, text={Question}, headstyle={\bi}, stopper={.}]
\defineenumeration[hint] [alternative=hanging, width=4cm, text={Hint for question}, headstyle={\bi}, stopper={.}]
\defineenumeration[answer] [alternative=hanging, width=4.5cm, text={Answer to question}, headstyle={\bi}, stopper={.}]
\setupblock[question][before={\startquestion},after={\stopquestion}] \setupblock[hint][before={\starthint},after={\stophint}] \setupblock[answer][before={\startanswer},after={\stopanswer}] \keepblocks[question] \hideblocks[hint] \hideblocks[answer]
\startsetups examn:make
\resetnumber[answer] \resetnumber[question] \resetnumber[hint] \page \setcounter[userpage][1] \centerline{\kap{Maths}} \centerline{\kap{Worksheet}} \crlf Name:\thinrules[n=1]%, interlinespace=big] Evaluation:\thinrules[n=1]%, interlinespace=big]
\starttext \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \startbuffer[examn]
\beginquestion Compute $4\times 5$.
\beginhint Use the fact that $2\times 5 = 10$. \endhint
\beginanswer $20$. \endanswer
\beginquestion What is the value of $100 / 10$? \endquestion
\beginhint Remember that $10\times 10 = 100$. \endhint
\beginanswer $10$ \endanswer
\section{Hints to all questions}
\section{Answers to all questions}
\setuppagenumber[number=1] \stopbuffer
\setuprandomize[124] % set a seed
\dorecurse{3} {\setups[examn:make]}
Thanks a lot
-- Atentamente DesdeChaves