Does mtxrun --selfupdate help? On Tue, 5 Oct 2010, Tom Maynard wrote:
On 10/5/2010 1:07 PM, Florian Wobbe wrote:
This is the result of the broken TeXLive 2010 installation. It should have worked out of the box before your failed update attempt. Try again with a clean TeXLive 2010 or install minimals.
This is the second trap I fell into by following the instructions in the manuals: all that rsync stuff jazzed up my TeXLive 2010 installation and I had to reinstall. This bad advice is found on the "Running Mark IV" page on the wiki. Of course, I wanted to run MkIV and ended up spending another hour reinstalling TeXLive to get it back.
The last time I tried, context runs sucessfully out of the box in TL. You only need to do the rsync stuff if you want the latest beta.
On my desktop machine I have both TeXLive (for Cygwin) and ConTeXt minimals (for Windows) installed, my notebook has only TeXLive. I am no longer tempted to update any of these, even if I prefer to stay current.
You should not have any troubles updating the minimals. You can consider installing minimals on your notebook also (the install size is around 200MB).
As a newbie, I wanted to try out the Concrete Roman font ... but abandoned that quest when it looked like I was going to have to tinker with the internals again. I am now staying firmly on the "end user" side of the ConTeXt fence.
Using the font should be as easy as \usemodule[simplefonts] \setupmainfont[Concrete Roman] Aditya