On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 17:36:26 +0100
"Peter I. Hansen"
Is there a way in ConTeXt to place figures (and other floats) at the very end of the document?
More specifically I would like to keep on having to placefigure code at the relevant place in the text where I would normally typeset with the option [here], but sometimes readers want all figures moved to the end of the document and it would be handy if this could be done by changing a keyword.
thanks, Peter
Interesting but very hard topic, I found a solution but it did only work for a few pictures. \unprotect \installfloathandler {save} \somesavefloat \def\placesomesavefloat{\OTRcommand\somesavefloat} %\def\somesavefloat[#1]{\dosavefloat} \def\somesavefloat{\placesomesavefloat} \def\somesavefloat[#1]% {\global\setbox\floatlist\vbox {\nointerlineskip \unvbox\floatlist \uncenteredfloatbox}} %\def\OTRONEsomesavefloat[#1]{\savefloat} \def\OTRONEsomesavefloat[#1]{\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\box\floatbox}} \def\placesavedfloats{\box\floatlist} %\def\placesavedfloats % {\loop\ifdim\ht\floatlist>0pt % \vsplit\floatlist to\lineheight % \repeat} \protect \starttext \dorecurse{4} % 5 and more did fail {\input knuth\par \expanded{\placefigure[save]{Figure \recurselevel}{\blackrule[width=6cm,height=4cm]}}} \page \placesavedfloats \stoptext Wolfgang