Hi, I have both TeXlive 2024 and the stand-alone ConTeXt distribution on my system. Recently, the stand-alone ConTeXt distribution seems to not create a synctex file any more. Specifically, /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context --once --texutil --synctex=1 --nonstop file.tex does not create a .synctex file (and deletes it, if it is there), whereas the TeXlive version /usr/local/texlive/2024/bin/x86_64-linux/context --once --texutil --synctex=1 --nonstop nwg_newsletter_2024_04.tex does create the .synctex file. The ConTeXt distribution version *does* create the file if --nonstop is *not* used. Knowing that, I can work around this for now, although emacs+auctex probably won't be happy without --nonstop. I updated the stand-alone ConTeXt a few minutes ago, so I'm up to date on that. Is this a bug introduced by some recent change? Thanks. Jim