Sorry, I can not reproduce your example. I get only red page with black page number in header. No white box. And I do not known metaobj macro. But I have a question. It is really needed to surround \definecolor by \startMPenvironment? Since \definecolor has to result to \pdfobj and \pdfliteral (pdftex primitives) and propagation to mpost (which is EPS not PDF generator) has no sence. Only reference to color is needed and it is done via \MPcolor. Am I right? Vit Zyka
I try to achieve transparently filled objects using the metaobj package. However, transparency is ignored completely in the output, I just get a normal white. Here is my test file:
\setupcolors[state=start] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
\startMPenvironment[global] \definecolor[Durchsichtig][r=1.0,g=1.0,b=1.0,t=0.0,a=normal] \stopMPenvironment
\startreusableMPgraphic{test} input metaobj; setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("fillcolor")(\MPcolor{Durchsichtig}); newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) "filled(true)"; Obj(test).c=origin; drawObj(test); \stopreusableMPgraphic
\starttext \reuseMPgraphic{test} \stoptext
If I use the fillcolor as an argument to the object
newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) "filled(true)" "fillcolor(\MPcolor{Durchsichtig})";
I get error messages from the mpost run. So it seems that metaobj and \MPcolor don't like each other. Any ideas how to circumvent this problem?
Regards, Eckhart