Matija Šuklje wrote:
I'm just making my first real document in ConTeXt and although I'm thinking more and more how this was a great idea. I also decided to simultaneously write an external document/module containing all definitions to fit the
But as a newbie, of course, I stumbled upon some beginner's problems:
1. Chapter heading is not like I would expect — I would like to have the line above the chapter as long as the one below it
You need a \noindentation in the setuphead command: before={\page\noindentation\hairline\blank[line]}, this is not very obvious, but the \hairline is indented just like a normal paragraph if you don't add the \noidentation.
2. The empty page at the end of the document annoys me and doesn't want to go away.
This is a FAQ: Large documents that have front- and backmatters are likely books, and books should have an even number of pages. On a small document (article, letter), you would simply not use the section block commands at all. In any case, from the wiki page http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Empty_page_at_the_end comes this solution/workaround \setupsectionblock[appendix][page=no]
3. The citations won't show any content, neither does the list of publications — I'm clearly doing something very wrong here. What I want is numbered citation with short references at the bottom and full references in the list of publications in the appendices.
Here you've hit a number of problems, some of which are in the bib module, not your doing. * the module does not currently support all types of \cite across section block boundaries, and that is why you do not get output from your \cite commands. Solution: none. it is not possible to combine 'short' citation and mainmatter/backmatter/appendices. (this problem is nasty, but quite hard to fix). * the module also has a different problem; this time with your file name (konkurenčnaklavzula_context.tex). One of the internal references the bib module creates attaches the input file name to a reference, and if the document name is not 7-bit ascii this apparently fails. It is something I have never tested. Workaround: only use visible ASCII in your file names (for now, I intend to fix this). * You have to be a bit more careful about the \startpublication arguments: - watch out for extra space characters. The only ones that are ignored are the ones just before a key. - if a value contains equals signs, square brackets, or commas, you have to wrap it in braces. * The \author command inside bbl files takes three arguments: \author{Matija}{}{Šuklje} * monthconversion takes a 'conversion specifier', not a macro name. So you need this instead: \setuppublications[monthconversion=Romannumerals] Finally, if you want to have 'short' keys in the publication list, it makes sense to add a set up like this: \setuppublications[numbering=short,autohang=yes] \setuppublicationlist[samplesize=ZOFVI] After all those changes, fixes, and workarounds, I ended up with the attached files.
4. If I want to include 'pf_ul.tex' and 'moja_bibliografija.bbl' into my user's local modules in Linux, where should I place the link to them? It's a bit annoying to have to place links to them in each directory where I make a new new file that uses them. And clearly, there will be many yet to come!
The normal place would be <texmf>/tex/context/user in one of the <texmf> directories that is searched by context. You have to re-run maketexlsr after adding files to that directory, and then context should be able to find your files just like it knows where knuth.tex etc. are. Best wishes, Taco \setuppublicationlist[samplesize=ZOFVI] \startpublication[ k=ZOFVI, % key, po katerem citiraš t=zakon, % tip publikacije je zakon y=1996, s=ZOFVI, % short citation u={http://www.uradni-list.si/1/ulonline.jsp?urlid=199612&dhid=32248}] \title{Zakon o organizaciji in financiranju vzgoje in izobraževanja} \journal{Uradni list Republike Slovenije} \volume{35} \issue{12} \pubyear{1996}\month{2}\day{29} \biburl{http://www.uradni-list.si/1/ulonline.jsp?urlid=199612&dhid=32248} \pages{841-862} \stoppublication \startpublication[a={Matija Šuklje}, k=neki, t=test, y=2007, s=Neki] \title{Neki nekastga} \author{Matija}{}{Šuklje} \stoppublication