Hi All, I have been following this thread with some amusement. There is no real optimal answer to this question short of developing a dedicated pdfviewer for ConTeXt. But, is this the best use of our resources. Furthermore, how about a dedicated editor? ;-)) (just joking, but I am sure somebody would come with the idea eventually, once we start down this path) As a Mac user, and one that shys away from using X. I use TeXShop. TeXShop has a multiplatform counterpart TeXWorks, distributed with TeXLive. It has a integrated pdf viewer with SyncTeX functionality. Its pdf viewer is based on Poppler. How good it is I can not say. But, it should not be two hard to extract it and turn it into a standalone. I think it could work as an adequate viewer. If someone then needs to use something better they can write the scripts they need themselves. Maybe, the TeXWorks guys could help. regards Keith