On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 04:04:20PM +0200, jimarin@bayesinf.com wrote:
is there an easy way to transform a ConTeXt document into html...?
I searched the archives of this mailing list about a year ago for info on that subject, and found nothing. So it would appear there is no such way ... though I didn't investigate very deeply. What I would do--if I were working with new documents--would be to create the documents in XML; then I could use ConTeXt for the print version, and XSLT to generate HTML. XSLT isn't exactly easy, but it is proven and widely used. If you need to work with documents that are already in ConTeXt ... you know, now that I think about it, it probably wouldn't be very hard to write a script to translate ConTeXt to XML. Once you've done that translation, you use XSLT to output HTML. Again, not easy, but certainly feasible. -- Matt Gushee When a nation follows the Way, Englewood, Colorado, USA Horses bear manure through mgushee@havenrock.com its fields; http://www.havenrock.com/ When a nation ignores the Way, Horses bear soldiers through its streets. --Lao Tzu (Peter Merel, trans.)