Hi all, I am still trying to get the footnote numbers aligned in a special way: flushright, but the width depends on the width of the max footnote-number on page, so to get 1 2 and ~9 10 After reading the manuals and the source given in strc-not.lua thats how far i am at the moment: \enabletrackers[structures.notes] \setupnote[footnote][numbercommand=, way=bypage] \setupnotedefinition[footnote][location=left,distance=1em,hang=4,headalign={flushright},width=1em] \def\getmaxnote[#1]{\ctxlua{ local n = structures.notes.getn("#1",n) local current = structures.notes.get("#1",n) local cr = current.references local result = cr.realpage -- calculate the width of cr.number and store in maxwidth -- loop through the notes until act.realpage <> cr.realpage -- and for each note calculate the width, compare with maxwidh and store the max -- then set the width to the correct maxwidth -- context.setupnotedefinition({"footnote"}, {width=maxwidth}) } } \appendtoks \getmaxnote[footnote] \to\everybeforenoteinsert \showframe \starttext \dorecurse {100} { test \footnote{test } } \stoptext Now I can not figure out how to get the "real" footnote-number of the note (is there any way?) And does this approach make sense at all? Any hints welcome, i tear my hair for hours now Greetings, Achim