Stated otherwise...
If, in a double sided document, the last chapter/appendix/whatever's last
= an even page (p) -> back page = on page (p) + 2
= an odd page (p) -> back page = on page (p) + 3
whatever pages = non to the main part of the document related pages -> makup
pages ?
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Alan Stone
You need
\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[left]}]
I tried that Wolfgang.
However I'd like the pages setup like in my last example with, in a double sided document, the back page on the [(next even page) + 2]. So, refering to the output of the last example: page 10 being a blank page without page number and, as is, the back page on page 10 + 2 = page 12.