Hi Aditya, thanks for taking the time to answer this. And yes, I looked at what ConTeXt has already built in. On 12.01.2008 at 18:44 wrote Aditya Mahajan:
I haven't looked at your code below. First check if one the in-built stuctural environments of ConTeXt do what you want.
As a matter of fact, I am using the following for all the heavy stuff (implementing that in LaTeX is/was a REAL pain) \definesynonyms[Issue][issues][\IssueText][\IssueDate] \setupsynonyms[Issue][criterium=all] \Issue[1]{Issue 1:}{Some Date} \Issue[2]{Issue 2:}{\currentdate} and if I just put the values in by hand, it works like a champ. Sorted list and all. ;-D Took me less than 5 minutes to implement (read: find in the manual). Just gonna _love_ ConTeXt for that! Now, with such a nice success (and because I have much more "counter" stuff on the way) I was feeling lucky ... and spent the next 5 hours figuring out / searching on the web / going over the source how to have the "number" for each issue placed automatically, every time a new issue date is set. Yes, sure, I could just _write_ that in, but then I would have to check myself, which number is exactly the one I need, and not have the computer do it for me. But, hey where is the fun in that? ;-) What this all burns down is, that I /really/ would like to understand, how I can pass a value from a counter as (constant) argument to a self- defined function. As that seems to be the core of the matter/problem here. Any suggestions? Cheers Carsten