Michael Wiedmann wrote:
* Peter Rolf
wrote [030410 11:49]: ... /FitBH 1000
should work. Get the PDF-Reference 1.4 from www.adobe.com and take a look a page 475 for all possible destinations.
This results in a damaged PDF file.
This kind of works (but not as exact as if I choose 'View Fit Width'):
\pdfcatalog{ /PageLayout /SinglePage % /PageMode /UseNone % n/OpenAction [0 /FitBH 900] % }
If I click on a hyperlink, the new displayed page switches back to 'Fit in Window' :-( Any solution for this?
Sorry, but the "n" before /OpenAction is from the error devil... The resulting PDF should work without it, but it's better to use the standard way. I wrote this at a time, when context had less (special) pdftex-support. Hmmm, must read the sources, Peter