On Mon, 2024-05-27 at 05:43 -0400, seyal zavira wrote:
if you don't want to use metapost you can also use svg for background for example:
\startuniqueMPgraphic{centered_svg} draw lmt_svg [ filename = "badge.svg", width = OverlayWidth, y = OverlayHeight/2, ] ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic
\defineoverlay [svgback] [\useMPgraphic{centered_svg}]
\defineframed[Sback][location=low,background=svgback,frame=off,offset =8pt]
\starttext this is a sample \Sback{1} text \stoptext
Hello Seyal, This does work but it's a bit annoying that I have to create an SVG of just a circle and store it somewhere. I'm fine with using MetaPost, especially if it makes this easier, but I just don't know how. -- Kip Warner OpenPGP signed/encrypted mail preferred https://www.thevertigo.com