Le 3 sept. 08 à 18:19, Mojca Miklavec a écrit :
[...] Today a new package has been uploaded to CTAN: (http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/synctex-parser/README)
History: -------- 1.2: Tue Sep 2 10:28:32 UTC 2008 - Correction for ConTeXt support in the edit query. The previous method was assuming that TeX boxes do not overlap, which is reasonable for LaTeX but not for ConTeXt. This assumption is no longer considered.
Once Martin and Jonathan fix pdfTeX & XeTeX sources, you'll have a chance to experiment further :) :) :)
No, it has absolutely no connection with pdfTeX nor XeTeX, both already work as expected regarding synctex. The problem only concerns the synctex command line tool and the GUI applications (the various SyncTeX clients). I'll notice developers of Skim, Sumatra-PDF, TeXWorks, TeXShop, iTeXMac2 of the new synctex parser version. (Did I forget someone?) You will have to upgrade your preferred viewer when the change is made. Mojca highlighted another problem (minor but uncomfortable) specific to context. I will try to fix that soon and inform the GUI developers only then. Regards Jérôme