Greetings, I have run into an issue whilst using \start ... \stopsplittext. I intended to use it for large code listings (using the t-vim module), however floats with location=split using that environment seem to vanish if there is nearly not enough text before the float to fill a page. Not only that, a second float like that seems to lead to fatal errors related to an unclosed group, however the document compiles regardless. The following MWE is an example of this. I am using ConTeXt version 2024.05.27 18:16. \definefloat[codelisting][codelistings] \setupcaption[codelisting][location=top] \setuplabeltext[english][codelisting=Listing ] %\showboxes \starttext \input knuth \input knuth \input knuth \input knuth % Filler. Filler. Filler. Filler. % uncomment to push out a full page. the float will appear \startplacecodelisting[ title=My great C program on display!, location=split, ] \startsplittext \tt \input zapf \stopsplittext \stopplacecodelisting \input ward \startplacecodelisting[ title=My second great C program on display!, location=split, ] \startsplittext \tt \input ward \stopsplittext \stoptext On a related note, one can also observe that with specific amounts of text a float may end up being split in two on a single page, however I could not replicate it. Additionally, code listings done with t-vim's commands seem to lose line numbering within \start ... \stopsplittext in splittable floats, but I figure that's more on the module authors. In any case, is there more I can do other than not use floats for code listings?