Will help you, when I send you my CSV file? I dont now what you think when you writing, that you want "actual input". Code 6D00 is twobyte code of UTF-8 character "m"... When I switch to CP1250 encoding, then onebyte code of "m" character is 6D. If need arises then I make any minimal example from my relatively big project. Thanx. Jaroslav Dne 22.4.2010 21:59, Taco Hoekwater napsal(a):
Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Hello. Thank for your advise. I was tried your example, but it is not working unfortunately too. I previwed CSV file - it is UTF-8 encoding and hexa code of "m" character is 6D00. This mean that "m" char is byte coding isnt it?
The hex codes of all your 'm'-s in the email messages are 6D, which is UTF-8 for the ASCII m. Sorry, please post a proper example, I don't think we can help without actual input.
Best wishes, Taco