On 23 May 2021, at 07:52, jbf
Someone will quickly clarify what I am doing wrong here. Have used mkiv until now but decided to download and install LMTX in /home/me/bin/context.
I then ran export PATH=/home/me/bin/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH as the install script indicated at the end.
When running mk iv, I always first ran a setup line (in my case it was . /home/me/Documents/Freedom/Context/tex/setuptex). Do I need to run a setup also for LMTX installed as above? And what one, because there is no 'setuptex' as far as I can see. If I just run context myfile.tex I get the mtxrun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua' message. Does this mean my 'path' command didn't work (and why not? It should have) or do I still need to run a setup before I try to compile?
You don't say which Linux you are using so I would first check to see that /home/me/bin/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun is executable. I assume that you followed the instructions on the wiki page here? https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Installation (Sorry to be so pedantic but it helps us to know exactly what you have done.) — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK