On Tue, 27 Oct 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 27.10.2009 um 07:13 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
2. When does \sc work? It works with Fontin, but does not work with Iwona, although both have the smcp feature.
In the same way as you do it with typescript and fontfeatures, enable the latin script.
3. Should \simplefonts!weight also include lightcondensed and heavy?
Can you provide a list for them.
Many fonts provide a heavy version; Antykwa provides condensed light; Kurier provides condensed medium and condensed heavy. So, a partial list might be (I don't know if this is complete or not) \def\simplefonts!weight {\v!light,\v!normal,\v!medium,\v!heavy \v!condensed\v!light,\v!condensed,\v!condensed\v!medium,\v!condensed\v!heavy} Thanks, Aditya