* Wolfgang Schuster
Hi all,
ConTeXt has many features but sometimes there is something missing, what feature or package do you miss which is already available in another TeX system or unavailable in any TeX system?
Five hundred pages of organized, detailed, up-to-date (well, somewhat up-to-date) documentation, written by the small group of experts who are so helpful on this list. If just one of you was unable to continue your excellent work, FAR too much of the world knowledge of ConTeXt would simply be gone, and that's not a good situation. Compared to this, new features can wait - but here's my feature: ConTeXt itself has beautiful support for side-by-side translations. It makes me happy every time I look at the results. But... it works only on separate pages. Making it work on columns as well would make my life easier. (May be impossible, but you asked...) |Original Language|First Translation|Second Translation| |Bla bla bla ... |Blu blu blu ... |Ble ble ble ... | -- Thanks David