... Thanks Marco, this works much better.
I found one fault - the code "-4.0 % na +4.0 %." in the source is translated to "-4.0 %na +4.0 %.", so the space after the first " " is gobbled.
But it is not so serious.
Thanks anyway.
Best regards,
On Thu, 31 May 2012 14:14:11 +0200, Marco
I would recommend using pandoc in combination with the filter module for the conversion. Try your example with the following setup (you need to have pandoc in your PATH).
\defineexternalfilter [markdown] [ filtercommand={pandoc \space --from=\externalfilterparameter{format} \space --to=context \space %--standalone \space --output=\externalfilteroutputfile \space \externalfilterinputfile \space }, format=markdown, ]
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