2011/4/17 Wolfgang Schuster
With the following code: \setupindenting[yes,medium,next]
\input knuth
\input knuth
When using texexec (MKII) the paragraph after the \blank is not indented. When using context (MKIV) it is. Why this difference?
And you think it’s better to let \blank behave different dependent on the indenting settings?
% engine=pdftex
\input knuth
\input knuth
\input knuth
\input knuth
To control whether the next paragraph is indented or not should better be controlled with by \setupblank and not from \setupindenting.
I did not know that it could be done with \setupblank. I was told that I needed to define a \myblank for it. But still I think it would be good that after a blank there is no indentation. Firstly: that is the way it works in mkii. Why does mkiv do it differently? Secondly: You use -in my opinion- next, because the first paragraph is clear that it is a new paragraph. After a bank (or a flowchart) it is clear that there starts a new paragraph. So it does not need to be indented in my opinion. -- Cecil Westerhof