Dear List! I’ve been struggeling with the circuitikz module since my upgrade to LMTX. The following test of installation failed, running file circuitikz-context.tex in ../modules/t-tikz/ directory % Copyright 2018-2021 by Romano Giannetti % Copyright 2015-2021 by Stefan Lindner % Copyright 2013-2021 by Stefan Erhardt % Copyright 2007-2021 by Massimo Redaelli % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the files gpl-3.0_license.txt and lppl-1-3c_license.txt for more details. \usemodule[circuitikz] \starttext A simple example to test the installation. \startcircuitikz[scale=1.2] \draw (0,2) to[I=1\milli\ampere] (2,2) to[R, l_=2\kilo\ohm, *-*] (0,0) to[R, l_=2\kilo\ohm] (2,0) to[V, v_=2\volt] (2,2) to[cspst, l=$t_0$] (4,2) -- (4,1.5) to [generic, i=$i_1$, v=$v_1$] (4,-.5) -- (4,-1.5) (0,2) -- (0,-1.5) to[V, v_=4\volt] (2,-1.5) to [R, l=1\kilo\ohm] (4,-1.5) (5,2) node[dipchip, anchor=pin 1]{} (5,-2) node[flipflop JK, anchor=pin 1]{}; \stopcircuitikz \stoptext with this error message pgfcircutils.tex|103 error| Undefined control sequence \undefined Below is a snippet from pgfcircutils.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% subcircuits (experimental) %% %% introduced by Romano Giannetti around April 2021 %% changes suggested by Jonathan P. Spratte %% \newbox\ctikz@scratchbox \pgfutil@protected\def\ctikzsubcircuitdef#1#2#3{% \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@Anchor\endcsname{}% \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@setanchors\endcsname{% \setbox\ctikz@scratchbox=\hbox{% \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) \csname#1\endcsname{T-#1}{}; \foreach [count=\i] \anchor in {#2} % reference anchor is -center \draw (0,{2-\i/2}) let \p1 = ($(T-#1-subckt@reference)-(T-#1-\anchor)$) in node[right]{\anchor: \x1,\y1 \expandafter\xdef\csname #1@Anchor\anchor\endcsname{++(\x1,\y1)}}; \end{circuitikz}% }% }% \expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname##1##2{% \csname #1@Anchor##2\endcsname coordinate(##1-subckt@reference)#3% }% } \long\def\ctikzsubcircuitactivate#1{\csname #1@setanchors\endcsname} My installation info: context --version mtx-context | ConTeXt Process Management 1.04 mtx-context | mtx-context | main context file: /Users/jan-erikhagglof/context/context-osx-64/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv mtx-context | current version: 2021.10.28 10:19 mtx-context | main context file: /Users/jan-erikhagglof/context/context-osx-64/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl mtx-context | current version: 2021.10.28 10:19 Because of my lack of knowledge in this matter, I have no idea what is wrong here. Many thanks in advance Jan-Erik Hägglöf