===== Original Message From Hans Hagen
===== \appendix{Test}
shouldn't that be \appendix{MyOwnNumber}{Test}
I get it now-) It's amazing how one can try 101 things and still miss the obvious... Now that I can handle this manually, what I really want to do is have the first \appendix start with the numeral 1, after following previous sections. I seem to remember doing this once before; don't know why I can't seem to get it right this time. The following still inherits the section numeral from \section: how do I reset it to 1? (I also tried lots of other options but, as usual, I must be missing the obvious again->) =================================================== % output=pdf interface=en \definehead[appendix][section] \setuphead [appendix][continue=no] \setupheadnumber [appendix][1] \setuplabeltext[appendix=Appendix~] \starttext \section{Test} \appendix{Test} % should be 1 \appendix{Test} % should be 2 \stoptext =================================================== BEst Idris ============================ Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523