You should just be able to drop in the math code as such: \starttext This is an example of the $\le$ operator. \stoptext You will get the proper encoding from the PDF generated. You could theoretically do: \def\LE{$\le$} \starttext This is an example of the \LE\ operator. \stoptext The reason why this is so is because the operators are designed to look like proper math typesetting, what usually does not happen in many situations with normal text. TeX was DEK's solution to typesetting mathematically-oriented books and he would be unlikely to introduce a counter-intuitive concept. Charles On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 22:18 +0200, Peter Münster wrote:
Just as the signs <, >, + and −, it would be nice if also other signs such as ≤ (less-than or equal to, 2264) or ⇒ (rightwards double arrow, 21D2) worked in text mode and not only in math mode.
Cheers, Peter