Dear Hans, I have a serious problem: In Classical Arabic numerals are pronounced from single digits to tens to hundreds, etc., e.g. 1234== four, thirty, two hundred, and a thousand. This makes transcribing Arabic numerals easy: they run the same as in roman languages. So in my otp's (Omega-Gamma) there is a command to transcribe any left-to-right L-R string numeral into an L-R string in Arabic (so I don't have to type the numeral backwards in the L-R transcription; i.e., typing 1234 in L-R comes out the same in R-L). But there is a complicated scenario: For purposes of sectioning, we get (as in a TOC) for e.g. Section 3.12 in roman it should be (L-R): 3.12-------------------------------------------<page no.> in Arabic it should be (R-L): <page no.>-------------------------------------------12.3 Now my Gamma configuration is such that everything is flipped R-L except for numerals, so I _actually_ get <page no.>-------------------------------------------3.12 in my Arabic sections and TOC. Is there any way to reverse the order of subsections so that subsection 3.12 comes out as 12.3? I assume there is some code that commands ConTeXt to print the section number, followed by the subsection number. Can that be hacked to reverse the sequence for Semetic documents (Arabic and Hebrew)? So we could have an option say, [style=semetic]. I did something similar in EDMAC once for Arabic critical editions. I am finishing up a treatise in Arabic to be submitted later this week so I'm desparate. I guess I could replace all the numerals using the manual mechanism but there must be a better way! Best wishes Idris -- Dr. Idris S Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523