Apologies for this question, which is probably an auctex problem. I have a new install of everything (LinuX, emacs, texlive) and the latest (?) context (ConTeXt ver: 2024.05.27 18:16 LMTX) installed in a separate directory. Running context from the commandline works fine, so I guess I did not misspell the path, but when running "Context All" from emacs, the error is: ----- Running `ConTeXt' on `context-test' with ``context --once --nonstop context-test.tex'' /bin/sh: Zeile 1: context: Kommando nicht gefunden. TeX Output exited abnormally with code 127 at Mon Jun 17 14:03:03 ------ I don't think the .emacs is at fault, it worked before the reinstall and contains, for instance: (setq-default TeX-master t) (setq TeX-parse-self t) (setq TeX-auto-save t) (setq ConTeXt-Mark-version "IV") Any ideas welcome, Jürgen --- Prof. Dr. Juergen Hanneder Philipps-Universitaet Marburg FG Indologie u. Tibetologie Deutschhausstr.12 35032 Marburg Germany Tel. 0049-6421-28-24930 hanneder@staff.uni-marburg.de