---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wolfgang Schuster
Dear all,
Last september, I asked about how to change the label text of figures and of tables in my own language. At that time, Wolfgang suggested me to make lang-kor.tex like lang- chi.tex.
Yesterday, I made lang-kor.tex and test it. But it is not working. I got the following error message for a simple test file.
......... ......... (/usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.pkgs/tex/context/base/sort-lan.mkii)) (./test- label.tuo ) (./test-label.tuo) systems : begin file test-label at line 3 ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \koreanencoding
\doenableencoding ...\edef \characterencoding {@#1 @}\fi \edef \nocharacteren... <to be read again> \koencodedintro \dogetupsometextprefix ...csname #2#1#3\endcsname \else \ifcsname #2#3\endcs...
\labeltexts #1#2->\leftlabeltext {#1} #2\rightlabeltext {#1} \sectionblocklabel ...sectionblock \c!label }}{#2} \fi ... l.9 \section{figures}
? %%%%%%%%%%%%
Would you please check what is wrong in here? I test it using XeTeX+ ConTeXt in gwTeX(mac OSX 10.5).
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hi, it is hard to reproduce your problem, I have no fonts on my system to test it and a test file is also missing but you can try the following method. Replace \unexpanded\def\koencoding{\enableencoding[\koreanencoding]} with \unexpanded\def\koencoding{\enableencoding[cjk-uni]} You use a undefined command \koreanecnoding and this will always fail, you should also remove the commented lines at the end of the files and change the file information, subtitle should Korean and not Chinese and you should also change the date. Wolfgang