25 Feb
25 Feb
4:39 p.m.
Hi Mojca, After trying step 1 (vusialize the font) with Times math, I have the following error: systems : begin file math.tex at line 2 (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/font-run.mkii) color : system all is global activated ! Undefined control sequence. \doshowfont ...f \setstrut \dummy \localcolortrue \offinterlineskip \dostepw... <to be read again> \stoptext l.4 \stoptext The strange thing here is .mkii extension, while I definitely use mkiv. My script is \loadmapfile[original-youngryu-tx.map] \starttext \showfont[rtxptmr] \stoptext B.R., Vyatcheslav