Hi contexers, I try to copy a nice graphic effect (shadow) on text from metafun manual (Hello in p. 187) --thank you Hans. I cannot get proper accentuation in a french text. See code and pdf result attached. Thanks for answers. -- olivier Turlier \useregime[il1] \enableregime[il1] \useencoding[ffr] \mainlanguage[fr] \enableregime[windows] \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi] \setupbodyfont[palatino,rm,12pt] \setuplayout [header=0pt, footer=0pt, backspace=1.5cm, width=middle, topspace=1cm, height=middle] \startMPenvironment[global] \useregime[il1] \enableregime[il1] \useencoding[ffr] \mainlanguage[fr] \enableregime[windows] \stopMPenvironment \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor [Gris] [r=.86, g=.85, b=.54] \definecolor [Noir] [r=0.0, g=0.0, b=0.0] \definecolor [Avant-titre] [Noir] % titre chapitres \definecolor [Fond-titre] [Gris] % titre second plan chapitres \starttext \startstandardmakeup \vfill \midaligned{ \switchtobodyfont[24pt]\blue{Where are the accent} \switchtobodyfont[12pt]\green{ gone?}} \inright{\rotate[rotation=270]{Is that the}} \blank[2cm] \startuseMPgraphic{Doubletitre} def SampleText (expr t, f, c) = draw t infont f scaled 5 withcolor c ; enddef ; def BigText (expr t, f, c) = draw t infont f scaled 8 withcolor c ; enddef ; BigText("Réponse ?","\truefontname{RegularSlanted}" , \MPcolor{Fond-titre}) ; %R\'eponses not working SampleText("Réponse ?","\truefontname{Regular}" , \MPcolor{Avant-titre}) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{Doubletitre} \vfill \stopstandardmakeup \chapter[chap:ques]{Question} After the accent problem solved, I wish to implement such kind of graphic effect/setup for headers like chapters. The goal is to only write once \quote{Question} in \type{\chapter[chap:ques]{Question}} for getting the same result than in the first page, or in below (\quote{shadowed} effect must only apply to text, not to header number). \startuseMPgraphic{Doubletitre} def SampleText (expr t, f, c) = draw t infont f scaled 5 withcolor c ; enddef ; def BigText (expr t, f, c) = draw t infont f scaled 8 withcolor c ; enddef ; BigText("Question","\truefontname{RegularSlanted}" , \MPcolor{Fond-titre}) ; %R\'eponses not working SampleText("Question","\truefontname{Regular}" , \MPcolor{Avant-titre}) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{Doubletitre} \stoptext