Hi Pavel At 06:27 09.10.2003, Pavel Stupin wrote:
In my document, I have a description defined in this way:
I use the DictEntry description like this:
\startDictEntry{Walters, Barbara (1931- )} a US television journalist known especially for her series Barbara Walters Special... \stopDictEntry
\startDictEntry{Waterhouse, Keith (1929- )} an English journalist and writer of novels and plays... \stopDictEntry
\startDictEntry{West, Rebecca (1892-1983)} an English writer and journalist. She wrote many novels... \stopDictEntry
... etc.
What I would like to do is to automatically create an \index{} for every DictEntry so that every entry then appear in the register. Probably, I should use 'between' parameter when defining my DictEntry description, but I'm confused with what should be the proper argument in 'between=\index{???}. I would appreciate any help.
Possibly the following approach can help: Define a list \definelist[name][options] Write to this list at each entry of the description \writetolist[name]{text} At the spot where the list should occur \placelist[name] Programmers might write a macro which could be used in the description definition together with e.g. [after=\TheMacro] which writes into the list. Willi