Hello ConTeXist.

I have one main file and a large number of component files. I would like to merge all files in the right order without having to do it manually.

Is there a way to automatically merge several source files during the compilation of ConTeXt source text, which are loading using the input command or the component command? Example:




Source code of main source….


\component file1

\component file2

\component file3 % etc.


Source code of main source….





The result should be one single source file that is created by merging all files and which can be compiled as one file:




Source code of main source….


Contents of  file1


Contents of  file2


Contents of  file3


% etc.


Source code of main source….





Consequently, this file can be compiled, for example, with the online version of ConTeXt at live.contextgarden.net.


Thanx for any advice.


Jaroslav Hajtmar