1 Jul
1 Jul
1:38 p.m.
On 07/01/2010 01:35 PM, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
Le 01 juillet à 11:58:11 Taco Hoekwater
écrit notamment: | On 07/01/2010 11:51 AM, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote: |> Hi all, |> |> AFAIK with the bib module one can't specify the database by an URL. I |> believe such feature would be great in allowing users to centralise all |> the bibliographical stuff in one place even when they work on several |> machines/places.
| There is a simple reason for that: bibtex cannot read URLs.
I see..
According to some messages from Hans, mkiv will someday be freed from bibtex, is that right? Will we then have this feature?
Probably yes, as the new system will be in-lined and using lua. Best wishes, Taco