4 Apr
4 Apr
7:17 a.m.
Hello I need some help regarding font definitions. The situation is like this: \definefont [issuefont] [SansRegular at 14pt] .... {\issuefont \labeltext{issue} \crlf \documentvariable{issue}} I need to get chinese text into the issue variable, but for that I need to change the font. I need something like this: \def\chooseissufont{% \translate [zh={Sim Sun}, en={SansRegular}]} \definefont [issuefont] [\chooseissuefont at 14pt] Using "zh" is ok, I managed to somehow make ConTeXt accept the "zh" language code. It's not perfect but it's for another topic. I get the text in this way, but the sizing doesn't work. The text is too small in all languages. Any dieas Thank you, Michal