Hi Alain, in my email, I used official language codes: be=Belarussian, bg=Bulgarian, sr=Serbian. The \installlanguage command is very important because it contains definitions of the most frequently used typographic elements of the given language, for details see below. Looking forward for both lang-txt files. The sooner you will send it, the better. The best, Tomáš Mon, Feb 22, 2021 ve 03:01:41PM +0100 Alain Delmotte napsal(a): # Hi Tomáš, # # Thanks for your message. # # First which country is "be"? If Belgium, pay attention that there are # three languages: Dutch (Flemish) French (a little bit different from # France French) and German (1% of the population). # # Could you explain me the meaning of: # # Le 21/02/2021 à 23:48, Tomas Hala a écrit : # # And this one is also needed: # # # \installlanguage # # [\s!esperanto] # # [\c!spacing=\v!packed, # # %\c!leftsentence=\emdash, # # %\c!rightsentence=\emdash, # # %\c!leftsubsentence=\emdash, # # %\c!rightsubsentence=\emdash, # # %\c!leftquote=\lowerleftdoubleninequote, # # %\c!rightquote=\upperrightdoublesixquote, # # %\c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote, # # %\c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote, # # %\c!date={\v!year,~m.,\space,\v!month,\space,\v!day,~d.}, # # \s!patterns=eo, # # \s!lefthyphenmin=2, # # \s!righthyphenmin=2] Values for \installlanguage: * spacing: packed means no difference between interword and intersentence spaces. * (left|right)sentence: punctuation marks -- very often dashes -- for included parts in some sentences. * (left|right)quotation: definition of primary quotation marks. * (left|right)quote: definition of secondary (nested) quotation marks. * (left|right)hyphenmin: number of characters at the end of a line and at the beginning of the next line when the word is hyphenated. * date: how the date should be typically typeset: order, spacing, or other signs or abbreviation or texts. Those I do not know for eo, have been marked with a percent sign. # I have seen that the \lowerleftdoubleninequote,... are sometimes given by # the character itself “ ”,... # For the date, is it the order of the part of the date yyy mm dd? # # I did prepare the file lang-txt.lua and did send it to two friends for # checking, I wait for their answer (I hope not to long). # # I also have the pattern for hyphenation, the one from TeXLive uses # fonctions to shorten the length of the file. # # For French, I'll do it and send it to you. # # Thanks for taking care of this. # # Regards, # # Alain