Dne sreda 26. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a): ad 1. & 2.: Thanks, works like a charm :]
Solution: none. it is not possible to combine 'short' citation and mainmatter/backmatter/appendices. (this problem is nasty, but quite hard to fix).
Damn. What I need to do is: * for each cititation to have a reference number in superscript and Romannummerals next to the citation * a footnote on the "same" page in the form like "T. Hoekwater, BIB (2006), pp. 2-4" * and in the appendix a list with longer forms like "Hoekwater, Taco: BIBLIOGRAPHIES (2. edition), Oxford press, London 2006" I don't know if I made this clear. But RTFM-ing and reading some examples on the Wiki brought me just this far and now I'm dead again.
Workaround: only use visible ASCII in your file names (for now, I intend to fix this).
done ...didn't imagine UTF-8 filenames to cause problems in ConTeXt though. Anyway, it's not that annoying and thanks for explaining this to me.
* You have to be a bit more careful about the \startpublication arguments: - watch out for extra space characters. The only ones that are ignored are the ones just before a key.
so that's why people add % at the end of them? nice failsafe mechanism :]
* The \author command inside bbl files takes three arguments:
Finally, if you want to have 'short' keys in the publication list, it makes sense to add a set up like this:
\setuppublications[numbering=short,autohang=yes] \setuppublicationlist[samplesize=ZOFVI]
I still don't understand this one, but I'm not even
After all those changes, fixes, and workarounds, I ended up with the attached files.
Thanks. I tried to apply what I thought relevant to my document and it somewhat worked, but then I suppose I broke it again. And I'm too lame to figure out what and how to fix it. Sorry that I'm such a pain in the arse :/ I'm attaching the newly-fixed-and-broken-again files
would ~/.texmf/ be a suitable place? Again, thanks *A LOT* for your help. I had a hunch that the good dozen of different types of citation that our faculty demands would make my life miserable for a while. I just hope ConTeXt will make it all worth after the macros and definitions are done. Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 e-mail: matija.suklje@rutka.net www: http://matija.suklje.name aim: hookofsilver icq: 110183360 jabber/g-talk: matija.suklje@gabbler.org msn: matija.suklje@rutka.net yahoo: matija_suklje