-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: ntg-context
Im Auftrag von Ágoston Volcz Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021 10:20 An: ntg-context@ntg.nl Betreff: [NTG-context] Different authorconversion for citation alternatives and bibliographic entries Hi there,
My university has special requirements for the theses I submit. Layout, fonts etc. are pretty straightforward to set up in ConTeXt. The one part I'm struggling with is citations / bibliography. I have to use the german citation style with footnotes. Essentially the first time I cite something, I have to put the full entry in a footnote. From the second time on, I only have to put a shorter entry in the footnotes.
Is this first citation vs other citations thing currently possible with ConTeXt? I was thinking that there was no proper support for note style citations in ConTeXt? Has that changed? I remember reading the phrase "We may add additional citation styles if there demand and clear requirements exist." So what's the current state of affairs here? Denis